Locations: Evergreen Park, Mokena
Ann Scoigletti, APRN, FNP
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Family Nurse Practitioner
“I revel in the opportunity to help my patients experience a happier, healthier life.”
When you meet Ann, it takes only seconds to know you’re in good hands and that you’ll receive expert care. She and Dr. Beckmann have worked together for years, and Ann was a key part of the reason that Dr. Beckmann founded Family First Medical Group in 2019 … it’s a trust and friendship thing they’ve built.
Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, Ann is a graduate of Mother McAuley High School (she just yelled, “South side girl!”). She received her BSN from Indiana University, and her MS, Family Nurse Practitioner Program from St. Xavier University.
Why is she so respected by her colleagues? Well, in addition to her awesome super power answer (see the list on this page), she has worked in the ER at Mercy Hospital, in the ICU and the pediatric unit at University of Chicago, at the Access Community Health Network, at Walgreens Take Care Clinics, and with Dr. Beckmann at MetroSouth Health Centers.
Translation: She empowers her patients to make smarter choices so they can experience better living through better health.
And if she needs more inspiration, she hangs out with her husband, their three kids, two dogs, and one turtle.
Hobbies: Camping, travel, very involved as my daughter’s Girl Scout troop leader and in my son’s Boy Scout troop. I’m also busy marching band booster mom!
Two truths and a lie: I’ve hiked around Machu Picchu, I’ve driven a semi truck, and I was a high school volleyball star.
Languages spoken: English and some Spanish
Favorite local restaurant: Maple Tree Inn and Hog Wild
Three things I love about Chicago: The change of seasons (I don’t even mind winter), cultural diversity, and just the fact that this is home.
Valuable piece of advice I was given: Choose kind, always.
The super power I would choose and why: None. I’m just happy being human.
This song always puts me in a good mood: “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire … how do you not groove to this?
The app on my phone I can’t live without: Medscape
The app I can live without (but don’t want to): Facebook